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Here's what parents and teachers are saying

about "Dune's Island."


“This was so great!! I hope there will be lots more! 👏👏👏”

-Kimberly K.

“These films are fantastic. My son and I love Dune's Island. Thank you for sharing.”

-Adri E.

"Eric, thank you so much for sharing what has obviously been a labor of love with anyone who is interested in using your learning series. I, for one, as a fellow science teacher, find it absolutely amazing. Again, my sincere thanks, and hope that many will find this!"


 A to Z Teacher Stuff Forums

​"I thoroughly enjoyed your video, Eric. It's very engaging. I'm sure students will love it. It provides lots of opportunities for fostering discussion. Thanks for sharing."

-Norah C.

"Hi Eric, I deeply appreciate your efforts to help children connect to nature! This is the most urgent and important issue for human sustainability. Heartfelt thanks!"

-Kn C.

“Very engaging - especially useful for classes studying adaptations. Plastic pollution and role of pelicans as indicator species also mentioned.”

-Karen W.

"Thank you so much for being committed to nature and creating something so beautiful!!!"

-Wendy M.

​"Thanks for sharing!!! I hope parents are sharing these with their kids!!! It’s awesome they have a series they can follow and then visit the location and take classes!!! My son would have thought this was the coolest when he was younger.”

-Michelle M.

“Thank you for creating it ! Such a wonderful way to spread the word and kids always love watching something so it’s a great way to get the word out!”

-Madre D.

"My kids and I loved Dune's Island! Keep up the great work! We hope to see more adventures in the future. Such a fun way to learn, and so important! Thank you!!"

-Tobey R.

 Thorn Tree Books

"Amazing!! I watched all of them together. What beautiful scenery, Dune's Island is Awesome, much rather watch it over another documentary.. Great acting, I recommend it to anyone, especially families to watch with children."

-Nora C

"My child enjoyed the first episode and plans to watch more."

-Stefani A

"Thank you...we love the outdoors and would love to share it with my kids”

-Liss D.

"Thanks, Eric. Just downloaded one episode and will forward it to my grand kids."

-Big L.

“We love it! Thank you!”


-Kristi D.

"Love what you’re doing!”

-Jackie P.


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